Saturday, November 21, 2015: BMG: Jamal “Shyne” Barrow indicated via his Facebook page Saturday morning that he intends to run for electoral politics in the Mesopotamia constituency in the next general election expected to be held some time in 2020.
According to Shyne, when his uncle, current Mesop area representative Michael Finnegan, retires, he looks forward to carrying on his tradition and serving the people of that division.
In his post he added he would continue his family’s legacy under the tutelage of his uncle and his father, Prime Minister Dean Barrow, both of whom have consistently won their respective divisions by landslide margins for about the last two decades.
How serious he is and whether he can rally the political support remains to be seen. Finnegan had been preparing former Mayor Zenaida Moya to take up the mantle in Mesop in recent years.
Moya and Finnegan had started going house to house in the division getting her familiar with the people and families that have come to support Finnegan. So if there were to be a convention where the two were to compete for the division it would be interesting to see who Finnegan would support.