Posted: Sunday, october 23, 2016. 9:23 a.m. CST.
By BBN Staff: Last week reports surfaced of the wooden bridge being opened Wednesday night by the Mayor of San Ignacio and Santa Elena, Earl Trapp.
Hours after the bridge was opened, the area representative for Cayo Central Rene Montero ,who is also the Minister of Works, ordered it to be closed. This is because he had planned official opening ceremonies for Thursday morning.
On Thursday morning for the ribbon cutting ceremonies, Montero, the contractors, UDP party chairman, and former mayor of the twin towns, John August were at the ceremonies.
Residents began to question the absence of Mayor Earl Trapp at the ceremony.
Shortly after the bridge had been officially opened again, Trapp posted on his social media page: “As the Mayor of San Ignacio and Santa Elena Towns I am pleased to announce that the wooden bridge has been re-opened. I have received several concerns due to the lack of my presence during the MOW opening. I may not have been there physically but nevertheless I assure you that my heart and thoughts are always with the people of the Twin Towns. I am overly happy and excited that residents can now resume their normal routine with the opening of the Low Lying Bridge. Thank you for all your support and patience.Your humble servant, Mayor Earl Trapp. God bless our Twin Towns and God Bless Belize!”
The feud between the two party colleagues is no surprise as last year, the mayor had installed bumps in Santa Elena town and about three hours after, he was ordered by Montero to remove them immediately. He complied.
As a result of this latest conflict, the mayor decided to speak up.
Trapp has gone on the record to say that he had asked the party chairman Alberto August to mediate because it is a long standing feud. He says it has been to no avail.
Trapp has also stated that he has requested assistance from Montero numerous times to use the machinery for works in the twin towns and he (Montero) has denied the request.
Editor’s note: The Ministry of Works is responsible for all bridges in the country even if the bridge is within town limits as well as those bridges that include the portion of the highway that passes through the town.
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