Posted: Friday, January 20, 2017. 9:59 a.m. CST.
By BBN Staff: Former House Speaker and newly appointed Attorney General, Michael Peyrefitte, was officially sworn in as the government’s newest Senator yesterday.
Peyrefitte, a political bulldog, fiercely debated with Opposition senators who tried to end the meeting even before it was started.
Lead Government Senator, Godwin Hulse, introduced a motion to adjourn the Senate meeting until a date decided by the President of the Senate.
However, Lead Opposition Senator, Eamon Courtenay, quickly rose asking if he could propose a motion so that the Senate meeting be held after 13th Senator, Omany Salas, be sworn in.
In the end President of the Senate, Lee Mark Chang would not budge to Senator Courtenay’s request.
The Senate thereafter voted in favor of amending the Referendum Act from a 60 percent threshold to a simple majority.
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